annot.chr21: annot.chr21: Annotation information for chromosome 21, hg38...

annot.chr21R Documentation

annot.chr21: Annotation information for chromosome 21, hg38 genome


This is the annotation information returned from getAnnot, subsetted for chromosome 21 for convenience in running the examples. The annotation is obtained using the annotatr package.




a GRangesList object with two elements returned by getAnnot. The first contains CpG category information in the first element (optional) coding gene sequence information in the second element (optional). At least one of these elements needs to be non-null in order for any annotation to be plotted, but it is not necessary to contain both.


Obtained from running annoTrack function and then subsetting the results to only include chromosome 21. A script which executes these steps and constructs the annot.chr21 object may be found in ‘inst/scripts/get_annot.chr21.R



kdkorthauer/dmrseq documentation built on Aug. 4, 2024, 11:31 a.m.