Man pages for keaven/gsDesign
Group Sequential Design

as_gtConvert a summary table object to a gt object
as_rtfSave a summary table object as an RTF file
as_tableCreate a summary table
checkScalarUtility functions to verify variable properties
eEventsExpected number of events for a time-to-event study
gsBinomialExactOne-Sample Binomial Routines
gsBoundBoundary derivation - low level
gsBoundCPConditional Power at Interim Boundaries
gsBoundSummaryBound Summary and Z-transformations
gsCPConditional and Predictive Power, Overall and Conditional...
gsDensityGroup sequential design interim density function
gsDesignDesign Derivation
gsDesign-packagegsDesign: Group Sequential Design
gsProbabilityBoundary Crossing Probabilities
gsSurvCalendarTime-to-event endpoint design with calendar timing of...
hGraphCreate multiplicity graphs using ggplot2
nNormalNormal distribution sample size (2-sample)
normalGridNormal Density Grid
nSurvAdvanced time-to-event sample size calculation
nSurvivalTime-to-event sample size calculation (Lachin-Foulkes)
pipePipe operator
plot.gsDesignPlots for group sequential designs
sequentiaPValueSequential p-value computation
sfDistributionTwo-parameter Spending Function Families
sfExponentialExponential Spending Function
sfHSDHwang-Shih-DeCani Spending Function
sfLDOFLan-DeMets Spending function overview
sfLinearPiecewise Linear and Step Function Spending Functions
sfPointsPointwise Spending Function
sfPowerKim-DeMets (power) Spending Function
sfSpecialTruncated, trimmed and gapped spending functions
sfTDistt-distribution Spending Function
spendingFunctionSpending Function
ssrCPSample size re-estimation based on conditional power
toBinomialExactTranslate survival design bounds to exact binomial bounds
toIntegerTranslate group sequential design to integer events (survival...
varBinomialTesting, Confidence Intervals, Sample Size and Power for...
keaven/gsDesign documentation built on April 10, 2024, 6:21 a.m.