factorDataSPGMI: Fundamental factor scores from S&P Global Market Intelligence

factorDataSPGMIR Documentation

Fundamental factor scores from S&P Global Market Intelligence


S&P Global Market Intelligence has kindly provided firm fundamentals data referred to as scores or alpha factors for educational use in the open source factorAnalytics R package. The data is contained in the R data frame object factorDataSPGMI consisting of the following cross-section of scores for approximately 300 stocks from 1990 to 2015: AccrualRatioCF, AnnVol12M, Beta60M, BP, Chg1YEPS, DivP, EBITDAEV, EP, EQ-style, LogMktCap, PM12M1M, ROE. This data greatly facilitates the educational value to users of the fundamental factor model in factorAnalytics. The package developers wish to thank S&P Global Market Intelligence for contributing this data to the factorAnalytics package.




S&P Global Market Intelligence

kecoli/PCRM documentation built on May 7, 2022, 9:33 a.m.