keepsimpler/sdcn: Structures and Dynamics on (of) Complex Networks (sdcn)

The package intends to implement general simulation of dynamics on (of) networks which have different structural features. The current goal is to simuate ecological interactions among species in ecological networks, as the first instance of complex networks. Modules should include: 1) Dynamic models. Holling Type I, II dynamic models should be implemented for mutualistic networks, food webs, competitive networks, and mixed networks. 2) Environmental Perturbations. Two types of perturbations: continuously pressed env. and repeated pulsed env. (stochastics). The perturbations can effect not only on (all or part of) species(nodes) but also on (all or part of) interactions(links). 3) Null models of different structural features such as degree heterogeneity and modularity. 4) Analysis of simulation results. 5) Fit of empirical data?

Getting started

Package details

MaintainerWenfeng Feng <>
LicenseWhat license is it under?
Package repositoryView on GitHub
Installation Install the latest version of this package by entering the following in R:
keepsimpler/sdcn documentation built on May 20, 2019, 8:45 a.m.