circglmbayes: circglmbayes: A package for the Bayesian circular GLM.

circglmbayesR Documentation

circglmbayes: A package for the Bayesian circular GLM.


This package contains functions to perform a Bayesian circular GLM, which allows regressing a circular outcome on linear and categorical predictors. The model used in this package is similar to the model used by lm.circular form the package circular. Differences are that the model used by this package treats categorical variables specially. In addition, several hypothesis testing options are provided.


Estimation and uncertainty intervals are all performed in a Bayesian manner through MCMC. Bayesian hypothesis tests are provided through the Bayes factor.


The main function of the package is circGLM, which runs an MCMC sampler in C++ through Rcpp. This sampler returns an S3 object of type circGLM, which can be further analyzed through associated plot.circGLM and print.circGLM functions.

keesmulder/CircGLMBayes documentation built on July 21, 2022, 3:43 a.m.