Man pages for keesmulder/circbayes
Bayesian Analysis of Circular Data

bat_mixPosterior of mixture of Power or Inverse Batschelet...
bat_posteriorPosterior of the Power or Inverse Batschelet distribution.
bht_comparePrint function for Bayesian hypothesis testing.
DirichletProcessVonMisesCreate a Dirichlet Mixture of Von Mises distributions
inf_critExtract information criteria from fit model object.
marg_likCompute the Marginal likelihood of circular Bayesian models.
marg_lik_circ_unifCompute the marginal likelihood of the circular uniform...
pn_me_regBayesian inference for Hierarchical (Mixed-effects) Projected...
pn_posteriorPosterior of the Projected Normal distribution.
pn_regBayesian inference for Projected Normal regression.
posterior_samplesGeneric method to extract posterior (MCMC) samples from a...
predict_functionObtain the prediction function of a regression object.
print.circradPrint a 'circrad' object.
rinvbatInverse Batschelet distribution
rinvbatmixRandom generation for the Inverse Batschelet mixture...
rprojnormRandom generation for the Projected Normal distribution.
rvmVon Mises distribution
rvmmixRandom generation for the Inverse Batschelet mixture...
rvm_regRandom generation for the von Mises distribution.
scale_circularCircular ggplot scales
vm_dpmBayesian inference for Dirichlet Process Mixture of Von Mises...
vm_mixPosterior of mixture of Von Mises distributions.
vm_posteriorPosterior of the von Mises distribution.
vm_regBayesian inference for von Mises regression.
vonMisesMixtureCreateCreate a von Mises mixing distribution
keesmulder/circbayes documentation built on May 30, 2019, 2:04 p.m.