Man pages for kelvinyangli/wrsgraph

calculate_cycle_lengthCalculate the shortest cycle length
combn_indAuxilliary function to wrs_bktr()
common_nbrsA function that finds the common neighbours between two nodes
deficiencyA function to calculates the deficiency of a node
degreeA function to calculates the degree of a node
d_wrsDefinite-WRS for maximum degree 3 graphs
d_wrs_deg4Definite-WRS for maximum degree 4 graphs
edit_dist_graphThe edit distance from the learned to the true undirected...
find_nbrA function that finds neighbours of a node
find_simplicialFind simplicial nodes
fixed_ordering_moralizationFixed ordering moralization
is_chordalTest chordality
is_cliqueIdentify a clique
is_simplicialIdentify a simplicial node
k3_ladderA function that look for a k3 ladder.
matching_special_envelop_graphspecial subgraph matching
mblist2moralConvert a list of MBs to an undirected graph The list of MBs...
min_deficiency_moralizationA function to moralize a graph according to the minimum...
min_deg_moralizationMinimum degree moralization
min_deg_triangulationMinimum degree triangulation
moralizationGraph moralization
progressA function to keep track of the progress in a loop
prune_leavesA function that prunes leaves
rand_bounded_deg_graphRandom graph generation
rand_bounded_deg_graph_auxRandom graph generation (auxiliary)
remove_duplicated_edgesA function to remove duplicated rows in a dataframe or matrix
wrs_bktrTest weak recursively simplicial
kelvinyangli/wrsgraph documentation built on Sept. 6, 2019, 10 a.m.