Man pages for kendonB/bellmisc
What the package does (short line)

BellMisc-packageContains utility functions used by Kendon Bell
collapseSpatialPolyCollapse a SpatialPolygonsDataFrame
convertShpPolyToDfConverts a 'SpatialPolygonsDataFrame' to a dataframe () for...
gdpDeflatorGenerates a GDP deflator from the World Bank
graphPolygonWithCategoriesSouthBrazilPlot a polygon with discrete colour fill over a polygon with...
graphPolygonWithGradientPlot a polygon with colour fill over a polygon with black...
graphPolygonWithGradientSouthBrazilPlot a polygon with colour fill over a polygon with black...
leapsOutofSampleSpatialLinear regression model selection with an out-of-sample...
modeStatMode statistic
NumNACounts the number of NAs in a vector
patchKnitrSynctexPatch synctex file for knitr
simpleCapTakes a 'character' and makes the first letter of each word...
substrRightSubstring from the right of a 'character'
whichClosestFind index(ices) of closest value(s).
kendonB/bellmisc documentation built on May 20, 2019, 9:03 a.m.