Man pages for kent37/Poker
Parse and rank poker hands

add_wild_cardsAdd wild cards to a hand, replacing jokers
categorize_handFind the category of a hand. Will work with hands up to 9...
categorize_hand_with_jokersFind the category of a hand which may contain jokers. Will...
format.cardConstruct the string representation of a card
format_cardsFormat the (subset of) cards used to make the best hand.
format.categoryConstruct the string representation of a category
format.handConstruct a string representation of a hand
make_rank_vectorMake a vector of (integer) category, high card ranks, kicker...
order_handsOrdering permutation of a list of hands. This is 'order' for...
parse_cardParse a single card
parse_cardsParse a hand provided as a JSON list of cards
print.cardPrint a card
print.categoryPrint a category
print.handPrint a hand
rank_handsCompute ranks (ordinal order) for a sorted list of hands....
runExampleRun a simple Shiny app demonstrating the poker hand parsing...
kent37/Poker documentation built on May 15, 2019, 2:54 a.m.