Man pages for keqiang/shinywidgets
This package provides customized Shiny UI widgets for tidy data import/export from/to files

dataTableImportWidgetShiny UI widget to import a data table as data frame from...
dataTablePreviewWidgetA data table preview widget
fileImportWidgetShiny UI widget to import data from a file
fileSelectWidgetA Shiny UI widget used to select a file
importDataTableCall this function in Shiny server logic to activate...
importFileCall this function in Shiny server logic to activate...
internalFileImportUIInternal implementation of file importing UI
previewDataTableCall this function in Shiny server logic to activate...
selectFileSelect a file
selectServerDirectoryShiny serve logic for 'serverDirectorySelectWidget'.
selectServerFileShiny serve logic for 'serverFileSelectWidget'.
serverDirectorySelectWidgetShiny UI widget to select a directory on the server
serverFileSelectWidgetShiny UI widget to select a file on the server
keqiang/shinywidgets documentation built on March 3, 2020, 11:56 p.m.