Man pages for kerschke/mogsa
A Multi-Objective Optimization Algorithm Based on Multi-Objective Gradients

addGGArrowsAdd Gradient Vector Arrows to Gradient Field Heatmap.
addGGContourAdd Contour Lines to Gradient Field Heatmap.
addGGOptimaAdd (Known) Local Optima of Smoof Functions to Gradient Field...
computeCumulatedPathLengthsCompute the Cumulated Path Lengths.
computeGradientFieldCompute the multi-objective gradient vector for a set of...
displayOptPathDisplay MOGSA's Optimization Path as a HTML or LaTeX table.
estimateGradientApproximate gradient of a single-objective function.
exploreEfficientSetExplore locally efficient set.
findLocallyEfficientPointFind locally efficient point.
ggplotHeatmapVisualize Heatmap of Multi-Objective Gradients.
ggplotObjectiveSpaceVisualize Multi-Objective Gradient Landscape in the Objective...
performGradientStepPerform multi-objective gradient descent step.
performMultiObjectiveLocalSearchPerforms a multi-objective local search.
performWeightedBisectionOptimizationPerforms a weighted bi-section optimization.
kerschke/mogsa documentation built on July 11, 2019, 11:52 p.m.