Man pages for kevinblighe/scToolkit
scDataviz: single cell dataviz and downstream analyses

basethemePackage-wide, non-user function used to set a base 'ggplot2'...
clusKNNA wrapper function for 'Seurat"s 'FindNeighbors' and...
contourPlotDraw a contour plot, typically relating to co-ordinates of a...
downsampleByVarDownsample an input data-frame or matrix based on variance.
importDataImport a data-frame or matrix, and associated metadata, to a...
markerEnrichmentFind enriched markers per identified cluster and calculate...
markerExpressionHighlight the individual marker expression profile across a...
markerExpressionPerClusterGenerate box-and-whisker plots illustrating marker expression...
metadataPlotColour shade a 2-dimensional reduction / embedding based on...
performUMAPPerform UMAP on an input data-frame or matrix, or...
plotClustersHighlight cell-to-cluster assignments across a 2-dimensional...
plotSignaturesFind enriched markers per identified cluster and visualise...
processFCSInput, filter, normalise, and transform FCS expression data.
kevinblighe/scToolkit documentation built on Sept. 25, 2021, 11:29 p.m.