
#' Retreive and visualize Verifit test results
#' verifitr allows you to retreive Verifit test results in the form of a
#' data frame or csv file.  It is designed to work directly with the xml output
#' files from the Verifit, without needing the stylesheet provided by Audioscan.
#' It also allows you to quickly and easily create elegant graphics without any
#' prior experience using ggplot2.
#' Some functions contained in verifitr are simply wrapper functions for others
#' (e.g., \code{verifit_to_csv} is just a wrapper for the \code{XXXXXX_to_df})
#' functions.  Proficient R users will not need these functions, but they are
#' convenient for beginners and non-users.
#' This package has been tested with both the Verifit 1 and Verifit 2.
#' @author Kevin Seitz-Paquette \email{kevin_seitz-paquette@starkey.com}
#' @docType package
#> [1] "_PACKAGE"
kevindsp/verifitr documentation built on May 9, 2019, 8:09 p.m.