  collapse = TRUE,
  comment = "#>",
  fig.path = "README-"
cat(paste0("Last Update: ",Sys.time()))


Perform basic functions for regression analysis, including scatter plot, linear, lowess, loess, segmented, breakpoint regression. Logarithm transformation is allowed even if variables with 0s by add 1 or 100.


'# Installing just this library (should get all dependancies) library(devtools) install.git_hub("kevinlzheng/RegR")

'# Installing dependancies separately '# set CRAN mirror '#(loads gui in R; in R-Studio select ## of mirror in Console pane) '# If know mirror can use "ind=" in 2nd statement and comment out (prefix line with #) the first. chooseCRANmirror() '#chooseCRANmirror(ind=21) '################################################ '# must run "chooseCRANmirror()" by itself before running the rest of the script

'# libraries to be installed data.packages = c(
"devtools" # install helper for non CRAN libraries ,"installr" # install helper ,"digest" # caused error in R v3.2.3 without it ,"dataRetrieval" # loads USGS data into R ,"knitr" # create documents in other formats (e.g., PDF or Word) ,"doBy" # summary stats ,"zoo" # z's ordered observations, use for rolling sd calc ,"htmltools" # needed for knitr and doesn't always install properly with Pandoc ,"rmarkdown" # needed for knitr and doesn't always install properly with Pandoc ,"htmltools" # a dependency that is sometimes missed. ,"evaluate" # a dependency that is sometimes missed. ,"highr" # a dependency that is sometimes missed. ,"rmarkdown" # a dependency that is sometimes missed. ,"RColorBrewer" # for coloring boxplot )

lapply(data.packages,function(x) install.packages(x))

'## pandoc require(installr) install.pandoc()


The scatter plot and multiple regression functions have been used for a long time for various projects.


n = 50 x <- rlnorm(n) + 1:n x <- (x - min(x))/max(x) y <- n + 1:n + (rnorm(n))0.2n scatter.plot(data = data.frame(x,y), xvar= "x", yvar = "y", = "linear", ylim = range(y), log = "x", x.add = 100, add.r2=T)

kevinlzheng/RegR documentation built on May 20, 2019, 9:07 a.m.