iSEE: Interactive visualization of SummarizedExperiment objects

Instructor(s) name(s) and contact information

Workshop Description

This workshop demonstrates the use of the iSEE package to create and configure interactive applications for the exploration of various types of genomics data sets (e.g., bulk and single-cell RNA-seq, CyTOF, gene expression microarray).

This workshop will be presented as a lab session that combines an instructor-led live demo, followed by hands-on experimentation guided by completely worked examples and stand-alone notes that participants may continue to use after the workshop.

The instructor-led live demo comprises three parts:

  1. Brief lecture on the package concept and functionality
  2. Overview of the graphical user interface
  3. Instructions to preconfigure iSEE apps

The hands-on lab comprises three part:

  1. Inspection of single-cell RNA-seq data at various steps of a typical computational workflow, including quality control and dimensionality reduction
  2. Addition of custom panels to the user interface for advanced visualization.
  3. Additional questions from the participants, including individual use cases and suggestions for future developments

Participants are encouraged to ask questions at any time during the workshop.


Additional background reading about the programming environment, relevant packages, and example use cases:

Workshop Participation

Students will participate by following along an R markdown document, and asking questions throughout the workshop. There is also scope for participants to apply iSEE to their own data sets, and fuel the discussion with more questions about specific use cases.

R / Bioconductor packages used

  1. iSEE :
  2. SummarizedExperiment:
  3. SingleCellExperiment:
  4. scater:
  5. scran:

Time outline

| Activity | Time | |-----------------------------------------------|------| | Lecture: Overview of package and concepts | 15m | | Live demo: the user interface | 15m | | Lab: Configuring the app interface | 20m | | Lab: A single-cell RNA-seq workflow | 20m | | Lab: Custom panels | 20m | | Additional questions | 15m |

Total: 1h45

Workshop goals and objectives

Learning goals

Learning objectives

kevinrue/Bioc2019-iSEE-workshop documentation built on Jan. 14, 2020, 2:49 a.m.