Man pages for kevinrue/GOexpress-original
Visualise microarray and RNAseq data using gene ontology annotations

AlvMacSample data from a RNAseq experiment.
AlvMac_allgenesExample of custom gene feature annotations.
AlvMac_allGOExample of custom gene ontology annotations.
AlvMac_GOgenesExample of custom mapping between gene ontology identifiers...
AlvMac_resultsSample output from the 'GO_analyse()' function on an RNAseq...
AlvMac_results.pValSample output from the 'pValue_GO()' function on an RNAseq...
cluster_GOGenerates a hierarchical clustering of the samples
expression_plotPlots the expression profile of a gene by levels of a factor
expression_plot_symbolPlots the expression profile of a gene by levels of a factor
expression_profilesPlots the individual expression profile of a gene in samples...
expression_profiles_symbolPlots the individual expression profile of a gene in samples...
GO_analyseIdentifies gene ontologies clustering samples according to...
GOexpress-packageVisualise microarray and RNAseq data with gene ontology...
heatmap_GOGenerates a heatmap and hierarchical clustering of the...
hist_scoresPlots the distribution of scores following an GOexpress...
list_genesReturns the genes associated with a Gene Ontology
microarray2datasetTable mapping probeset identifier prefixes to datasets in the...
overlap_GOShared genes between a list of GO terms.
plot_designPlot Univariate Effects for genes associated with a Gene...
prefix2datasetTable mapping Ensembl gene identifier prefixes to BioMart...
pValue_GOCompute p-values for ontologies by randomising gene labels.
quantiles_scoresReturns the quantiles of scores following an GOexpress...
rerankReorder the result variable by alternative metrics.
subEsetSubset an ExpressionSet to values of phenotypic data columns.
subset_scoresReturns a filtered list from GO_analyse results.
table_genesReturns a table listing the genes associated with a given...
kevinrue/GOexpress-original documentation built on May 20, 2019, 9:07 a.m.