Man pages for kevinwang09/SmokyScotch
Functions for my own personal use

clean_digitsClean the digits in a data frame
cv_multiPerforming CV using random forest, allowing multiple cores
cv_objectPrinting cv_partition object
cv_partitionCreating CV data partition
execute_roxygeniseExecute roxygen2::roxygenise().
ggplot_explorerShiny app for ggplot exploration
loess_cvCalculate loess span parameter using cross validation
padded_namesSequence of variable names, all with the same length
plot_RLERLE plot
print.cv_pred_resultPrinting cv_partition object
rf_cvPerforming CV using random forest
str_sub_front_lastSubstring based on number of first and last characters
svm_cvPerforming CV using svm
to_dfConvert a named vector into a data.frame
topDisplay the first k rows and first k columns of the data
transformationsArcsinh transform
kevinwang09/SmokyScotch documentation built on Aug. 25, 2022, 5:41 p.m.