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Coursera Rcapstone

The goal of CourseraRcapstone is to complete the capstone project for the Coursera specialization "Mastering Software Development in R".

The project R code to


This packages is part of the last course

This repo includes A DESCRIPTION and NAMESPACE file an R/ folder where some R functions are stored in fars_functions.R a man/ folder presenting the functions found in R/ and documented using Roxygen2 A vignettes/ folder including an example of running the functions in R/ * A tests/ folder with a test of the functions output


You can install CourseraRcapstone from github with:

`` install.packages("devtools") devtools::install_github("kevynemiliano/Earthquake") ```


To get started, read the fars vignette: vignette('fars', package = 'Building-an-R-Package').

kevynemiliano/Earthquake documentation built on May 7, 2019, 9:49 p.m.