
Defines functions test_eta_progress_bar test_amardillo_multithreaded test_multithreaded test_sequential get_function_from_pkg load_my_example_pkg

Documented in test_amardillo_multithreaded test_eta_progress_bar test_multithreaded test_sequential

# load an example package (from inst/examples/)
load_my_example_pkg <- function(pkg, recompile = FALSE, quiet = TRUE, ...) {
  if (!requireNamespace("devtools", quietly = TRUE)) {
    stop("Package devtools must be installed to run unit tests.", call. = FALSE)
  path <- system.file(file.path('examples', pkg), package = 'RcppProgress')
  devtools::load_all(path, quiet = TRUE, recompile = recompile, ...)

# small utility to bypass R CMD check 
get_function_from_pkg <- function(pkg, fun) {
  get(fun, getNamespace(pkg))

#' runs the sequential test from the RcppProgressExample example R package
#' @inherit test_multithreaded
#' @export
test_sequential <- function(max = 100, nb = 1000, display_progress = TRUE) {
  pkg <- 'RcppProgressExample'
  fun <- get_function_from_pkg(pkg, 'test_sequential')
  fun(max, nb, display_progress)

#' runs the multithreaded test from the RcppProgressExample example R package
#' @param max   the number of loops/increments to execute
#' @param nb    a parameter controlling the number of computations executed in each loop, so the time 
#'              complexity is quadratic in this parameter
#' @param display_progress  whether to display the progress bar
#' @param threads the number of OMP threads to use for the computation. If < 0, runs in sequential mode.
#' @return the computed number, or -1 if the computation was aborted
#' @export
test_multithreaded <- function(max = 100, nb = 1000, threads = 0, display_progress = TRUE)
  pkg <- 'RcppProgressExample'
  fun <- get_function_from_pkg(pkg, 'test_multithreaded')
  fun(max, nb, threads, display_progress)

#' runs the multithreaded test from the RcppProgressArmadillo example package
#' @inherit test_multithreaded
#' @export
test_amardillo_multithreaded <- function(max = 100, nb = 1000, threads = 0, display_progress = TRUE)
  pkg <- 'RcppProgressArmadillo'
  fun <- get_function_from_pkg(pkg, 'test_multithreaded')
  fun(max, nb, threads, display_progress)

#' runs the test from the RcppProgressETA example package
#' @inherit test_multithreaded
#' @export
test_eta_progress_bar <- function(max = 100, nb = 1000, display_progress = TRUE)
  pkg <- 'RcppProgressETA'
  fun <- get_function_from_pkg(pkg, 'test_sequential')
  fun(max, nb, display_progress)
kforner/rcpp_progress documentation built on June 9, 2024, 3:15 a.m.