Man pages for kgoldfeld/ksgMisc
KSG Miscellaneous Functions

appendRAppends parameter estimates into list of data.table ...
bitsToIntConvert bits it integer ...
confintExpEstimate confidence intervals from GLM
dtSampleSample ids from a data.table
estciStrCreate a data.table of ci strings
factorsFinds factor of integer n...
fdirCreate a filename with the current working directory
getSeedGenerates a seed ...
logitPCalculates log odds of a probability
loProbConverts logodds to probabilty
myTableOneCreates Table 1 data
noAxisTitleRemoves axis titles quickly ...
oddsCalculates odds of a probability
pkgDLcountCounts number of simstudy downloads ...
pkgDLplotPLots number of simstudy downloads ...
prepTablePrepare table for printing
printbranchHello world test
printhelloHello world test
readExcelReads from clipboard into data.frame: windows
readExcelMacReads from clipboard into data.frame: mac
replaceInFilesFind and replace text in all files in a directory
rndTidyAppends parameter estimates into list of data.table ...
sumDataCreate summary - n, mean, sd, min, max of all numerical data
theme_ksgSets "theme" for ggplot2
writeExcelWrites from data frame to the clipboard: windows only
kgoldfeld/ksgMisc documentation built on Nov. 12, 2021, 10:59 a.m.