
#' Dataset of ratings that 4 raters assigned to 15 subjects 
#' This dataset contains ratings on 15 subjects from 4 raters named RaterA,
#' RaterB, RaterC and RaterD
#' @format Each row of this dataset describes the ratings that a subject 
#' received from the 4 raters.
#'  \describe{
#'     \item{RaterA}{Ratings of 15 subjects by Rater A}
#'     \item{RaterB}{Ratings of 15 subjects by Rater B}
#'     \item{RaterC}{Ratings of 15 subjects by Rater C}
#'     \item{RaterD}{Ratings of 15 subjects by Rater D}
#'  }   
#' @source This is a fictitious dataset used for testing the difference between
#'         2 agreement coefficients for statistical significance.
kgwet/pairedCAC documentation built on Dec. 21, 2021, 6:37 a.m.