
Defines functions solveDrops getConsMtx wCorDist

Documented in getConsMtx solveDrops wCorDist

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#' Computes a weighted Pearson distance measure matrix. If ranks are used
#' this measure turns into weighted Spearman distance measure matrix.
#'@param x input with columns containing each observation
#'@param w weights for all values in a obervation
#'@param useRanks indicates if Pearson should be computed on weighted ranks.
#'@param n_cores number of cores to use for parallel computation.
#'@return weighted Pearson distance measure matrix. If ranks are used
#' this measure turns into weighted Spearman distance measure matrix.
wCorDist <- function(x, w, useRanks, n_cores) {
    .Call('_ccImpute_wCorDist', PACKAGE = 'ccImpute', x, w, useRanks, n_cores)

#' Computes consensus matrix given cluster labels
#' @param dat a matrix containing clustering solutions in columns
#' @return consensus matrix
getConsMtx <- function(dat) {
    .Call('_ccImpute_getConsMtx', PACKAGE = 'ccImpute', dat)

#' Computes imputed expression matrix using linear eq solver.
#'@param cm processed consensus matrix
#'@param em expression matrix
#'@param ids location of values determined to be dropout events
#'@param n_cores number of cores to use for parallel computation.
#'@return imputed expression matrix
solveDrops <- function(cm, em, ids, n_cores) {
    .Call('_ccImpute_solveDrops', PACKAGE = 'ccImpute', cm, em, ids, n_cores)
khazum/ccImpute_exp documentation built on May 25, 2022, 6:15 a.m.