runTest: Run a predictionTest or baselineAlgTest

runTestR Documentation

Run a predictionTest or baselineAlgTest


Runs the test defined in a predictionTest or baselineAlgTest object


runTest(object, X, y, ...)
## S4 method for signature 'PLSRTest'
runTest(object, X, y)
## S4 method for signature 'ridgeRegressionTest'
runTest(object, X, y)
## S4 method for signature 'baselineAlgTest'
runTest(object, X, y, predictionTest, postproc, verbose = FALSE)



An object of class baselineAlgTest or subclass of predictionTest (currently PLSRTest or ridgeRegressionTest). The object specify the test to be run


A matrix. The spectra to use in the test


A vector or matrix. The response(s) to use in the test


A predictionTest object, describing the prediction test to use for this baseline algorithm test


A function, used to postprocess the baseline corrected spectra prior to prediction testing. The function should take a matrix of spectra as its only argument, and return a matrix of postprocessed spectra


Logical, specifying whether the test should print out progress information. Default is FALSE


Other arguments. Currently only used by the baselineAlgTest method.


runTest returns an object of class predictionResult or baselineAlgResult.


signature(object = "baselineAlgTest")

Baseline corrects the spectra, optionally postprocesses them, and runs a prediction test on the corrected spectra.

signature(object = "PLSRTest")

Runs PLSR on the data and calculates the cross-validated RMSEP

signature(object = "ridgeRegressionTest")

Runs ridge regression on the data and calculates the GCV


Bjørn-Helge Mevik and Kristian Hovde Liland

See Also

baselineAlgTest, predictionTest, PLSRTest, ridgeRegressionTest

khliland/baseline documentation built on June 3, 2024, 7:32 a.m.