Man pages for khuggler/TediousEcology
Data Formatting for Various Analyses in Ecology

adult.coxphCreate data with age and IFBFat to model survival
AdultSeasonalSurvConversion of adult capture data into the correct format for...
appendageappend age to gps data
append.ageappend age to gps data
AppendAIDAppend Animal IDs created from CollarHistory function to... mom aid to neonate capture data
AppendMRFunction to append movement rate categories to deer data to append repro status and categorical activity...
birth.datesappend age to gps data
boot.funBoostrap random samples of data for RF models
BuildMcpsFunction to build mcps for coyotes, lions, and elk
BuildPredRiskModelBuildRF Model with locations of mountain lion kill sites...
BuildRFModelsStack and extract all spatial data to elk, coyotes, and...
cleangpsWrapper function with CombDat and CollarHistory that Merge...
colhistConversion of adult capture data into capture history data
CollarHistoryConversion of adult capture data into capture history data
ElkMRFunction to calculate movement rates of elk
IFBFatCalculate IFBFat
LionDataAppend AID to GPS data and subset to desired time period
NeoSurvDataConversion of neonate data into the proper format for...
PredRiskDataBuildRF model of predation risk
ProcessSpatialProcess all spatial data for analyses
ReproStatusFunction to append Reproductive Status of an animal to at...
RFEncounterDataStack and extract all spatial data to elk, coyotes, and...
SampleFunSample Fun
sampleveggiesSample random points from neonates for vegetation work
ssf.funbuild ssf with deer data
yote.gpsAppend AID to GPS data and subset to desired time period
yote.moveratesAppend AID to GPS data and subset to desired time period
khuggler/TediousEcology documentation built on July 10, 2021, 12:34 a.m.