Man pages for kimjam/khanELO
Utlizes MAP data and Khan Academy data to update items and students using ELO Rating System

add_subsetAdds subset column to student activity dataframes
clean_khanmathClean Khan exercise data so it can be joined with state...
clean_mapClean MAP data so it can be joined with Khan exercise and...
clean_statesCleans Khan state change data so it can be joined with...
generate_activityClean and merge MAP, Khan, and item difficulty data.
get_item_historyGet an item's mastery history
parse_wide_statesTake Khan state change data in wide format and turn it into...
plot_activityCreates plot showing MAP test scores and khan activity.
populate_mapAdd needed columns to student's map data to concatenate with...
reshape_statesReshapes Khan state data that has been cleaned into wide...
update_diffsUses student activity data to update item difficulties.
update_proficienciesUses the ELO Rating system to estimate a student's current...
kimjam/khanELO documentation built on May 20, 2019, 9:40 a.m.