Man pages for kippchicago/deanslistr
An R package that wraps DeansList's RESTful HTTP API

deanslist_apiR API for DeansList's RESTful API
get_get_* consturctor function
get_behaviorsWrapper around 'deanslist_api' to pull behavior data for...
get_incidentsWrapper around 'deanslist_api' to pull incidents data for...
get_referralsWrapper around 'deanslist_api' to pull referral data for...
get_row_countget's rowcount from returned deanslist objects
get_studentsWrapper around 'deanslist_api' to pull student data for...
get_suspensionsWrapper around 'deanslist_api' to pull suspension data for...
get_usersWrapper around 'deanslist_api' to pull users data for...
kippchicago/deanslistr documentation built on May 20, 2019, 10:02 a.m.