  collapse = TRUE,
  comment = "#>",
  fig.path = "README-"

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teachboostr is a simple R package that provides bindings to the TeachBoost API.

Getting Started

The package is only available on github:


get_tb() is a wrapper around the workhourse teachboost_api() function. If you save your API key in an .Renviron file with the variable name KEY_TB the get_tb() function will look it up; otherwise you should pass your key to the key parameter.


users <- get_tb("users")


You'll notice that users is a list of teachboost_api objects (which themselves are lists of the respons, content, and call). This is result of the 1,000 record limit that TeachBoost imposes. The get_tb() function automates repining the api to get every record.

You can use the unpack_tb() function to extract the content from the get_tb call:

users_df <- unpack_tb(users)

Notice that nested JSON returned by the API will be stored as nested list-columns in the data frame.

kippchicago/teachboostr documentation built on May 20, 2019, 10:23 a.m.