  collapse = TRUE,
  comment = "#>"

Basic usage

This minimal R package contains (currently) only a single function that can read in binary files stored in the interfile file format as specified by Todd-Pokropek, Cradduck, and Deconinck in "A file format for the exchange of nuclear medicine image data: a specificiation of Interfile version 3.3" (Nuclear Medicine Communications, 13 Sept. 1992, 12(9):673-99)

Interfile file format consists of paired image (file extension: .img) and header (file extension: .hdr) files. The header file is a text file containing a number of key-value pairs, and the image file is a binary file storing pixel intensities in row-major format. Pixel intensities in general correlate to the energy intensity captured by the detector.

We include an example interfile of a bisected rabbit aorta to demonstrate the function.

# Load the package

# Load an example interfile header (Rabbit aorta, Tc99m scan)
interfile.location <-system.file("extdata", "Tc99m_20percent_energy.hdr", package = "interfile")

# Read the binary interfile
my_scan <- readHeaderFileHDR(interfile.location)

Plot of data matrix

image(my_scan, axes=FALSE, asp=.5)

kippjohnson/interfile documentation built on May 20, 2019, 2:59 p.m.