Design notes

Let's say you work for an internet radio and you have a function that fetches data from network to further analyze in R.

my_expensive_function <- function(id, type, params, ...) {
  match.arg(type, c('user', 'playlist', 'artist', 'song'))
  tmp <- pull_info_from_network(ids, type, params)
  tmp <- complex_transformation(tmp, ...)

This is not an uncommon example and kind of mimics the structure of a typical RDBMS.

Calling this function on one particular id is usually not too bad. However, if you need to pull thousands of records into your R session it will take a while.

One possible solution to tackle this problem is to cache the results somewhere. cachemeifyoucan uses PostgreSQL database as the backend for caching. There is an easy mapping between data.frames and SQL tables so it's a pretty fast and robust solution.

Blink solves the same problem by using Redis as the persistent backend. Why Redis? It's fast, and it has some cool built-in data structures that could be useful to implement this type of caching layer with.

This document is being written before the package development has started so at this time I cannot share the benchmarks with you. However I can speculate :)

Quite a large number of people already use Redis as their caching layer for web-apps. As they report, most of the read time is unfortunately being spent in deserialization. I will rely on rredis deserialization, however it may be beneficial to use jsonlite package and store results as a JSON.

One benefit of doing that is that you can actually build a website on top of the Redis database and see the status of your caching layer.

Alternatively you can just build the website using microserver package.

Stay tuned.

kirillseva/blink documentation built on May 20, 2019, 10:23 a.m.