Send emails from R using mailgun.

How to use

  1. Create an account with Mailgun.
  2. Obtain your API key and domain name from mailgun. Follow official documentation.
  3. Set MAILGUNNER_DOMAIN_NAME and MAILGUNNER_API_KEY environment variables.
  4. Enjoy!
emails <- c(

params <- list(
  from    = c("Kirill Sevastyanenko", "kirillseva"),
  subject = paste("An exciting investment opportunity"),
  text    = paste0(
    "This email was sent to you from R. If you are not excited yet - you should be!\n",
    "Contact me at for investment opportunities."
  tag     = "investment",
  to      = emails
), params)

kirillseva/mailgunner documentation built on May 20, 2019, 10:24 a.m.