
# ####Path to data and output and progam (Entimice)
# study_path <- "root/clinical_studies/RO5541267/CDT30212/BP40657/data_analysis/BASE/prod/" 
# output_path <- paste0(study_path,"output/", output_file)
# program_path <- paste0(study_path,"program/", program_file)
# program_ext <- file_ext(program_path)
# data_path <- paste0(study_path,"outdata_vad")  
# log_path <- paste0(study_path,"log/", log_file)
# withProgress(    
#   message = 'Import data from Entimice',
#   detail = 'This may take a while...',  
#   value = 0, {
#     for (i in 1:2) {
#       incProgress(1/2)
#       Sys.sleep(0.8)
#     }
#     #####Entimice conenction#######
#     SAICE::initialize_connection(entimice_env = "PROD")
#     adsl  <- SAICE::read_entimice(file.path(data_path,'adsl.sas7bdat'))
#     output_list = SAICE::get_entimice(output_path)
#     program_list = SAICE::get_entimice(program_path)
#     log_list = SAICE::get_entimice(log_path)
#     SAICE::close_connection()
#     #####End of Entimice conenction#######
#   })
# #####Output (PDF)
# file.copy(output_list, paste0("/opt/bee_tools/shiny/3.5.3/users/remusatp/ProjectTest/www/",output_file))
# date_outp<-file.info( output_list)   
# output$myDateOutp <- renderText({ paste("Output viewed the:", as.character(date_outp$atime)) }) 
# #####Program (SAS)
# output$myProgram <-  renderText({  read_file(program_list) })   
# txt <- paste("<pre><code class='language-sas'>",  read_file(program_list), "</code></pre>")
# output$code_program <- renderUI({ prismCodeBlock(txt)})
# ######Log (SAS)
# txt_log <-  gsub( "program_sas_log", read_file(log_list) ,  read_file("logtest/logtest.html") )    
# output$log <- renderUI({ txt_log   })
kismet303/lopo3000 documentation built on Dec. 15, 2019, 12:31 a.m.