
Defines functions get.confusion get.probs get.pair get.commsize

Documented in get.commsize get.pair get.probs

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#' Compute community size of a clustering
#' @keywords internal
get.commsize <- function(x, ux) {
    .Call('_mclustcomp_getcommsize', PACKAGE = 'mclustcomp', x, ux)

#' Comembership matrix of size \code{(2-by-2)}
#' @keywords internal
get.pair <- function(x, y) {
    .Call('_mclustcomp_getpair', PACKAGE = 'mclustcomp', x, y)

#' Compute confusion matrix
#' @keywords internal
get.probs <- function(confmat, scx, scy, n, threps) {
    .Call('_mclustcomp_getprobs', PACKAGE = 'mclustcomp', confmat, scx, scy, n, threps)

get.confusion <- function(x, y, ux, uy) {
    .Call('_mclustcomp_genconfusion', PACKAGE = 'mclustcomp', x, y, ux, uy)
kisungyou/mclustcomp documentation built on Feb. 9, 2023, 8:50 p.m.