Man pages for kkdey/ecostructure
Visualizing Structure in ecological site-species abundance data

australia_birdsThe presence-absence data of birds from Australia A dataset...
australia_modelThe ecostructure_fit() model output on Australian birds A...
dispersion_field_exA dispersion field matrix example - used for creating a map
dsp_create_from_gdbCreate dispersion fields and a presence absence matrix from...
dsp_create_from_surveyCreate dispersion fields from local species abundance data...
dsp_motifCreates heatmap for a geographic motif
dsp_plot_mapCreate geographical heatmaps from a dispersion field list
dsp_to_matrixCreates global site by latitudinal-longitudinal grid cell...
ecos_blocksEcological Block Struture plot with ggplot2 package
ecos_fitFitting Grade of Membership model for clustering into...
ecos_nullmodelNull models for ecostructure_fit clustering validation
ecos_plot_pieProduces ecological pie chart representations of...
ecos_prepare_by_phyloPrepare counts data for phylogenetically collapsed species
ecos_prepare_by_traitPrepare counts data for trait-collapsed species
himalayan_birdsLocal abundance data of Himalayan bird species with metadata...
indian_birds_paThe presence-absence data of birds from India/ S. Asia A...
mask_climate_raster_by_geo_motifMask a climate raster by the motif map raster
phylo_treeAn object of type phylo - which is a phylogenetic tree
pres_ab_fitThe ecostructure_fit() model on presence absence data from...
kkdey/ecostructure documentation built on Jan. 26, 2021, 4:10 p.m.