Man pages for kkdey/flashr
Factor Loading Adaptive SHrinkage in R

ATM_ftitle ash type model for f
ATM_f_ctitle ash type model for f
ATM_fhdtitle ash type model for f
ATM_ltitle ash type model for l
ATM_l_ctitle ash type model for l
ATM_lhdtitle ash type model for l
ATM_r1title ash type model for l
backfittingbackfitting to correct K-factor model
Bayes_vartitle Bayes variance structure estimation for kronecker...
change_to_matCheck to see if a vector and if so, change to a matrix.
C_likelihoodtitle conditional likelihood
diag_mleMLE of mean zero Kronecker variance model.
eigen_plottitle eigen plot
flash_hdFactor Loading Adaptive Shrinkage (heteroscedasticity...
flash_r1Factor Loading Adaptive Shrinkage (VEM version)
flash_r1cFactor Loading Adaptive Shrinkage (non-constant on columns)
form_meanForm tensor from a list of matrices of factors.
form_outerForms outer product from a list of vectors.
Fvaltitle prior and posterior part in objective function
get_kth_columnExtract the kth column from a matrix.
get_kth_tensorForm the rank-1 tensor from the kth components.
greedyFactor Loading Adaptive Shrinkage (K factors version using...
inital_Bayes_vartitle initial value for Bayes variance structure estimation...
initial_valueinital value for flash
list_prodElement-wise multiplication of two lists.
mle_update_modekIn MLE algorithm for mean zero diagonal Kronecker structured...
noisy_vartitle noisy variance structure estimation
objtitle objective function in VEM
one_step_updatetitle one step update in flash iteration using ash
replace_factorsReplace the 'k'th columns in the matrices in 'factor_list'...
rescale_factorsRescale factors so some don't get too big.
rescale_sigmae2title rescale the lambda_l and lambda_f for identifiablity
sigmae2_v_esttitle empirical sample variance matrix estimation
sigmaesttitle estimate the variance using anova
sigma_esttitle module for estiamtion of the variance structure
tbackfittingPerform backfitting starting at output of 'tgreedy'.
tflashTensor Factor Loading Adaptive SHrinkage (T-FLASH).
tflash_homoHomoscedastic variance implementation of T-FLASH.
tflash_kronTensor FLASH assuming a diagonal Kronecker structured...
tgreedyIteratively do T-FLASH on the residuals.
tinit_componentsObtain initial estimates of each mode's components.
tinit_components_oneObtain initial estimates of each mode's components.
tinit_kron_componentsObtain initial estimates of each mode's components.
tupdate_kron_modekUpdate the variational density for the kth mode when assuming...
tupdate_kron_sigUpdate the kth mode diagional Kronecker structured covariance...
tupdate_modekUpdate the mode k variational density.
tupdate_sigUpdate the gamma distribution parameters of the variational...
kkdey/flashr documentation built on May 20, 2019, 10:36 a.m.