Man pages for kkdey/tmcmcR
tmcmcR : a R/C++ package for Transformation based Markov Chain Monte Carlo

adapt_rwmh_metropSimulate adaptive RWMH algorithm (SCAM, Atchade and RAMA...
adapt_tmcmc_metropSimulate adaptive TMCMC algorithm (SCAM, Atchade and RAMA...
mclapply.hackA hacking function for mclapply in Windows
mt_rwmh_metropSimulate a Multiple Try RandomWalk Metropolis Hastings...
mt_tmcmc_metropSimulate a Multiple Try Transformation based Markov Chain...
rmc3Simulate a MC3/RMC3 algorithm (Rcpp sped up version)
rtmc3Simulate a Randomized Transformation based MC3 algorithm...
rwmh_metropSimulate a Random Walk Metropolis Hastings algorithm (Rcpp...
select_inverse_tempSelect inverse temperatures in RMC3 and RTMC3
tmcmc_metropSimulate a Transformation based Markov Chain Monte Carlo...
kkdey/tmcmcR documentation built on May 20, 2019, 10:39 a.m.