knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = TRUE)

Example Use for Fish Market Function

Start by generating sample data: (a sample dataset is also stored in data subdirectory)

# possible fish species to sample from
species = c("sockeye","chinook","sculpin","jellyfish","flounder")

# typical prices for each possible fish
prices = data.frame(fish = species, price = c(5, 40, 3, 1, 1))

# locations of fisheries
locs = c("Earth", "Mars", "Europa", "Titan", "Venus")

catches = matrix(nrow=length(species), ncol=length(locs) )

# typical size of catch in each area
locs = data.frame(name=locs, size = c(10000, 100, 20000, 500, 50))

# generate random catches close to typical sizes for each area
for ( i in 1: length(species)) {
  for (j in 1:nrow(locs)) {
      catches[i,j] =  round(rnorm(mean=locs$size[j], sd=0.1*locs$size[j], n=1))

Now we can run the function with the example data:

fisheries_summary(catches = catches, prices = prices, plot=FALSE)

This time, make a plot as well

fisheries_summary(catches = example_catch, prices = prices, plot=TRUE)

Example of Growth Rate Function

We can run the growth rate function using the default parameters from Experiment A in Table 2 of Bjoornsson et al.

#growth rate at temp of 15 degrees Celsius

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