headlvowels: Distributions of vowels from Heald and Nusbaum (2015)

Heald, S. L. M., & Nusbaum, H. C. (2015). Variability in vowel production within and between days. PLoS ONE, 10(9), e0136791–e0136791. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0136791




Because of human subjects protections, only aggregate summaries of vowel formants are included, in the form of means and covariance matrices for each vowel, conditioned on:

Additionally, the overall (marginal) distributions of each vowel are included:

#> # A tibble: 7 x 3
#>   Vowel      model Vowel_ascii
#>   <chr>     <list>       <chr>
#> 1     æ <list [2]>          AE
#> 2     ɑ <list [2]>          AH
#> 3     i <list [2]>          EE
#> 4     ɛ <list [2]>          EH
#> 5     ɪ <list [2]>          IH
#> 6     u <list [2]>          OO
#> 7     ʌ <list [2]>          UH

The model column is a list column, where each entry is a list with mu (mean vector) and Sigma (covariance matrix):

#> $mu
#>        F1        F2        F3 
#>  844.9351 1794.3590 2608.0486 
#> $Sigma
#>            F1         F2        F3
#> F1 11621.7654   312.2359  9679.805
#> F2   312.2359 46300.8625 28703.813
#> F3  9679.8054 28703.8127 71828.838

These models can be used with phondisttools in the same way that models trained from raw F1×F2 values can be.

Finally, the models tibble collects the four grouped model tibbls above into a single tibble:

#> # A tibble: 4 x 2
#>      grouping             models
#>         <chr>             <list>
#> 1    Marginal   <tibble [7 x 4]>
#> 2      Talker  <tibble [56 x 4]>
#> 3        Time  <tibble [21 x 4]>
#> 4 Time+Talker <tibble [168 x 4]>

kleinschmidt/healdvowels documentation built on May 29, 2019, 11:40 a.m.