nspvowels: NSP vowel distributions

This package contains data (F1 and F2 values for isolated "hVd" vowel productions from the Nationwide Speech Project corpus, as described in: Clopper, C. G., Pisoni, D. B., & de Jong, K. J. (2005). Acoustic characteristics of the vowel systems of six regional varieties of American English. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 118(3), 1661-1676.




#> # A tibble: 2,659 x 10
#>    Talker      Dialect    Sex   Age  Word  Vowel Vowel_ipa Token    F1    F2
#>    <fctr>        <chr> <fctr> <int> <chr> <fctr>    <fctr> <int> <int> <int>
#>  1    A18 Mid-Atlantic      f    18   had     ae         æ     1  1062  2279
#>  2    A18 Mid-Atlantic      f    18   had     ae         æ     2  1074  2197
#>  3    A18 Mid-Atlantic      f    18   had     ae         æ     3  1093  2219
#>  4    A18 Mid-Atlantic      f    18   had     ae         æ     4  1070  2237
#>  5    A18 Mid-Atlantic      f    18   had     ae         æ     5  1025  2342
#>  6    A18 Mid-Atlantic      f    18 hawed     ao         ɔ     1   754  1309
#>  7    A18 Mid-Atlantic      f    18 hawed     ao         ɔ     2   876  1379
#>  8    A18 Mid-Atlantic      f    18 hawed     ao         ɔ     3   807  1359
#>  9    A18 Mid-Atlantic      f    18 hawed     ao         ɔ     4   730  1199
#> 10    A18 Mid-Atlantic      f    18 hawed     ao         ɔ     5   622  1413
#> # ... with 2,649 more rows

Modeling code

For modeling code that used to be in this package, use phondisttools.

kleinschmidt/nspvowels documentation built on May 14, 2019, 5:18 p.m.