Man pages for kloke/hbrfit
High breakdown rank-based (HBR) estimation for linear models

diagplotDiagnostic plots based on a linear model fit.
fitdiagRobust Fit Diagnostics
hbrfitHigh Breakdown Rank (HBR) Estimates
hbrfit-packageHigh Breakdown Rank-based (HBR) fitting and inference for...
hbrwtsReturns the weights for HBR regression.
print.summary.hbrfitprint functions for hbrfit
psiPsi function used in hbrfit
robdist.hbrfitRobust distances. Internal function for hbrfit
rstudent.hbrfitStudentized Residuals for HBR Regression
starsStars data.
summary.hbrfitSummarize High Breakdown Rank-Based Linear Model Fits
vcov.hbrfitVariance-covariance of regression estimates based on an HBR...
kloke/hbrfit documentation built on Nov. 17, 2023, 2:33 p.m.