Man pages for kloke/jrfit
Joint ranking estimates

BmatAn internal function for jrfit
crabgrassCrabgrass data.
eResistanceElectrical Resistance Data
jrfitJoint ranking estimates for cluster correlated data.
jrfit-packageJoint/Jaeckel Rankings (JR) estimates and inference for...
print.jrfitjrfit Internal Print Functions
rstudent.jrfitStudentized residuals for the JR fit.
sigmastarEstimate of sigma(0).
summary.jrfitSummary function for jrfit.
varestEstimates of the covariance.
veeEstimates of the Variance Components
wald.test.jrfitDo a Wald test based on a JR fit.
kloke/jrfit documentation built on May 20, 2019, 12:34 p.m.