Man pages for kloke/mrfit
Multiple rankings estimates

gly4genSimulated triglyceride data
interaction.test.mrfitRobust rank-based test of interaction between treatment and...
mrdispMultiple Rankings (MR) dispersion function.
mrfitMultiple rankings (MR) estimates for cluster correlated...
mrfit-packageRobust rank-based estimates for cluster correlated data.
mrgradGradiant of the MR dispersion function.
mrwilcoxontauMR estimate of tau.
print.mrfitmrfit Internal Print Functions
rashidtauEstimate of tau for MR.
rstudent.mrfitStudentized residuals based on an MR fit.
varcomp.mrfitEstimates of variance components for compound symmetric model...
kloke/mrfit documentation built on May 20, 2019, 12:34 p.m.