Man pages for klvoje/evoTS
Analyses of Evolutionary Time-Series

as.evoTSfit.OUBMClass for fit to evolutionary sequence (time-series) models
as.evoTS.multi.BW.acceldecel.fitClass for fit to evolutionary sequence (time-series) models
as.evoTS.multi.BW.fitClass for fit to evolutionary sequence (time-series) models
as.evoTS.multi.OU.fitClass for fit to evolutionary sequence (time-series) models
as.evoTS.multi.URW.fitClass for fit to evolutionary sequence (time-series) models
as.evoTS.multi.URW.shift.fitClass for fit to evolutionary sequence (time-series) models
diameter_S.yellowstonensisEvolutionary sequence (time-series) of phenotypic change in...
fit.all.univariateFit all univariate models to an evolutionary sequence...
fit.mode.shiftFit two models to two separate segments to an evolutionary...
fit.multivariate.OUFit predefined multivariate Ornstein-Uhlenbeck models to...
fit.multivariate.OU.user.definedFit user-defined multivariate Ornstein-Uhlenbeck models to...
fit.multivariate.URWFit multivariate Unbiased Random Walk models to multivariate...
fit.multivariate.URW.shiftFit separate multivariate Unbiased Random Walk models to two...
loglik.surface.accelCalculate the log-likelihood surface for a part of parameter...
loglik.surface.decelCalculate the log-likelihood surface for a part of parameter...
loglik.surface.GRWCalculate the log-likelihood surface for a part of parameter...
loglik.surface.OUCalculate the log-likelihood surface for a part of parameter...
loglik.surface.OUBMCalculate the log-likelihood surface for a part of parameter...
loglik.surface.stasisCalculate the log-likelihood surface for a part of parameter...
loglik.surface.URWCalculate the log-likelihood surface for a part of parameter...
logL.joint.accel_decelLog-likelihoods for evolutionary models
logL.joint.accel.decel.single.RLog-likelihoods for evolutionary models for evolutionary models
logL.joint.multi.OUOULog-likelihoods for evolutionary models
logL.joint.multi.OUOU.userLog-likelihoods for evolutionary models
logL.joint.multi.RLog-likelihoods for evolutionary models
logL.joint.OU.BMLog-likelihoods for evolutionary models
logL.joint.single.RLog-likelihoods for evolutionary models for evolutionary models
logL.joint.Stasis.OULog-likelihoods for evolutionary models
logL.joint.URW.URWLog-likelihoods for evolutionary models
make.multivar.evoTSMakes a multivariate data set of
opt.accel.single.RFit multivariate Unbiased Random Walk with increasing... multivariate Unbiased Random Walk model with uncorrelated...
opt.decel.single.RFit multivariate Unbiased Random Walk with decreasing... multivariate Unbiased Random Walk model with uncorrelated...
opt.joint.accelFit an Unbiased Random Walk with an accelerating rate of...
opt.joint.decelFit an Unbiased Random Walk with an decelerating rate of...
opt.joint.OUBMFit an Ornstein-Uhlenbeck model with an optimum that evolves...
opt.joint.URW.StasisOptimization and log-likelihoods for pairs of models.
opt.single.RFit multivariate Unbiased Random Walk model. multivariate Unbiased Random Walk model with uncorrelated...
plotevoTSPlot a paleoTS object
plotevoTS.multivariatePlots multivariate evolutionary sequence (time-series) data...
ribs_S.yellowstonensisEvolutionary sequence (time-series) of phenotypic change in...
sim.accel.decelSimulate an Unbiased Random Walk with an accelerating or...
sim.multi.OUSimulate multivariate Ornstein-Uhlenbeck evolutionary...
sim.multi.URWSimulate multivariate evolutionary sequence data that evolve...
sim.OUBMSimulate an Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process with optimum changing...
klvoje/evoTS documentation built on June 29, 2024, 10:26 p.m.