
#' morphfoil: Tools for morphing meshes in a .msh2 format
#' @description The package contains a collection of functions which allow morphing
#'    and plotting of computational meshes in a .msh2 format for a flow over airfoils.
#'    Meshes in the .msh2 format are used by \code{xred} solver developed at MEiL PW.
#' @section morphfoil functions:
#'    \itemize{
#'      \item{\code{\link[morphfoil]{select_constr}}}
#'      \item{\code{\link[morphfoil]{select_morphp}}}
#'      \item{\code{\link[morphfoil]{morph_mesh}}}
#'      \item{\code{\link[morphfoil]{plot_mesh}}}
#'      \item{\code{\link[morphfoil]{plot_airfoil}}}
#'      \item{\code{\link[morphfoil]{read_mesh}}}
#'      \item{\code{\link[morphfoil]{write_mesh}}}
#'      \item{\code{\link[morphfoil]{read_airfoil}}}
#'    }
#' @docType package
#' @name morphfoil

kmarchlewski/morphfoil documentation built on Oct. 8, 2020, 5:34 p.m.