
#' Aggregate Wheel Running Data Prior to a Bin
#' Aggregate wheel running data prior to a specfic bin (i.e.,
#' computer interval number).
#' @title Aggregate Wheel Running Data Prior to a Bin
#' @aliases bin.running.before
#' @param bin.size Size of bin (minutes)
#' @param bins.out Number of bins to return
#' @param bin.start Bin (interval) to start
#' @param reverse Should the resulting dat be reversed before being
#'   returned? Reversed data will go from most recent to oldest.
#' @param ... Additional parameters passed to \code{bin.running()}
#' @return An object of class \code{running}. See \code{\link{bin.running}}
#' for additional details.
#' @author Kevin Middleton (middletonk@@missouri.edu)
#' @seealso \code{\link{bin.running}}
#' @keywords file data
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # Load the 2006-11-05 running data for computer A
#' data(A061105)
#' # Aggregate running data into 10 * 10 minute bins starting
#' # at interval 600
#' A <- bin.running.before(whldat = A061105, computer = "A",
#'                         bin.start = 600,
#'                         bin.size = 10, bins.out = 10)
#' A$times
#' A$run
#' # Plot aggregated running data for wheel number 1.
#' plot(A, whlnum = 1, whichplot = "run")
bin.running.before <- function(bin.size, bins.out, bin.start,
                               reverse = FALSE, ...){
  ## Find new bin.start to pass to bin.running
  newBin1 <- bin.start - (bins.out * bin.size) - 1

  ## Call bin.running with the revised first bin #
  b <- bin.running(bin.size, bins.out, bin.start = newBin1, ...)

  ## Strip trailing rows from times
  b$times <- b$times[1:bins.out, ]

    b$run <- b$run[, ncol(b$run):1]
    b$max <- b$max[, ncol(b$max):1]
    b$int <- b$int[, ncol(b$int):1]
    b$rpm <- b$rpm[, ncol(b$rpm):1]
    b$times <- b$times[nrow(b$times):1, ]

kmiddleton/binning documentation built on May 20, 2019, 12:51 p.m.