Man pages for kmiddleton/kmmisc
KM Misc

BinomialDistPlot of a binomial distribution
ChisqDistPlot a Chi-squared distribution
DrawRegressionPlot a linear regression line
DrawSegmentDraw a line segment
EightBallAsk the Magic Eight Ball
ExcelDateToRDateConvert Excel Dates to R Dates
expand.dftExpand a data.frame
HPDI_testHPDI Interval Test
NormalApproximationNormal approximation of a binomial distribution
NormalDistPlot a normal distribution
pgls.RMAPhylogenetic RMA regression
plot_mrbPlot MrBayes log file
PoissonDistPlot a Poisson distribution.
scientific_10Format as base 10 exponent
SSPlotSum of Squares Plot
unpack_map2stanUnpack map or map2stan fitted model
Z_and_tPlot the relationship between the Z and t distributions.
kmiddleton/kmmisc documentation built on Jan. 27, 2020, 7:55 a.m.