Thanks for taking the time to contribute! Below our some guidelines that might be helpful.

Have a question?

A good place to start is going throw the vignette for the package. We have taken care to document several use cases for our package in detail. If your question is still not answered, please open an issue or email the maintainer.

Have a bug report or feature request?

  1. Search current open GitHub issues to check if the bug/feature has already been reported/requested.
  2. Additionally, for bug reports, make sure our fork and local copy are up-to-date, and verify the bug still exists in the HEAD of the master branch.
  3. If not, open an issue with a minimal, reproducible example of the bug you wish to report. If you are requesting a feature, please detail a relevant use case.

Want to submit a pull request?

  1. Changes that are purely cosmetic in nature (e.g. whitespace changes, code formatting, etc) will generally not be accepted because they do not add to the stability, functionality, or testability of the project.
  2. Unless the change is extremely trivial (e.g. typos), please create an issue and wait for feedback before you start work on a pull request. That will avoid the possibility you spend time on a patch that won't be merged.
  3. Create a branch for the feature/bug fix reported in the issue. Please use a short and descriptive branch name that starts with the issue number (e.g. 123_custom_function). Use that branch as the base for your pull request. Pull requests on your version of master will not be accepted, because they can make it difficult for you to update your fork if your pull request isn't incorporated verbatim.
  4. Please write detailed commit messages.
  5. It would be much appreciated if you also add tests that cover your changes.

Commit Messages

Follow the The Seven Rules of How to Write a Git Commit Message. Pay particular attention to rule 7: Use the body to explain what and why versus how. The body should also include the motivation for the change and how it compares to prior behavior.

If the commit is to fix a bug or add a feature, the commit message should contain enough information to understand the bug/feature without having to reference an external tracker (e.g. GitHub issues). But please do reference the GitHub issue on the last line of your commit message body.

knightsay/backtestGraphics documentation built on May 20, 2019, 12:53 p.m.