  collapse = TRUE,
  comment = "#>",
  fig.path = "README-"


Don't expect this package to work outside of our specific application

The bs2site package is used to build our teaching websites ( or These websites combine different Rmarkdown formats in order to include practicals and lectures.

Our websites are built on gitlab using continuous integration (CI). bs2site helps to:


You can install bs2site from github with:

# install.packages("devtools")

Folder structure

The folder structure of the website source directory is the following:

├── lectures
│   ├── img
│   ├── lecture_01.Rmd
│   └── ...
├── practicals
│   ├── img
│   ├── practical_01.Rmd
│   └── ...
├── projects
│   ├── img
│   ├── project_01.Rmd
│   └── ...
├── css
│   ├── lecture.css
│   ├── practical.css
│   ├── site.css
│   └── ...
├── img
├── Makefile
├── index.Rmd
├── lectures.Rmd
├── practicals.Rmd
└── ...


Each lecture should be placed in the lectures folder and named as lecture_xx.Rmd where xx is a zero padded number. The format used to render the lectures is iosp.

Practicals / Projects

Each practical / project should be placed in the practicals / project folder and named as practical_xx.Rmd / project_xx.Rmd where xx is a zero padded number. The format used to render practicals / projects is unilur.

Main site pages

All remaining pages to setup the website are placed in the root folder.

Generating the site

Configure the project to use the Makefile which will render the website in the docs output folder.

koncina/bs2site documentation built on Sept. 23, 2019, 6:54 p.m.