
Defines functions areNonNegDoublesOrNAs areNonNegDoubles areNegDoublesOrNAs areNegDoubles arePosDoublesOrNAs arePosDoubles areNatIntsOrNAs areNatInts areNegIntsOrNAs areNegInts arePosIntsOrNAs arePosInts chLL chDiagnCountInc chDiagnCountReset chDiagnCount

Documented in areNatInts areNatIntsOrNAs areNegDoubles areNegDoublesOrNAs areNegInts areNegIntsOrNAs areNonNegDoubles areNonNegDoublesOrNAs arePosDoubles arePosDoublesOrNAs arePosInts arePosIntsOrNAs chDiagnCount chDiagnCountInc chDiagnCountReset chLL

# Generated by using Rcpp::compileAttributes() -> do not edit by hand
# Generator token: 10BE3573-1514-4C36-9D1C-5A225CD40393

#' Returns the value of calls counter
#' @export
chDiagnCount <- function() {
    .Call('_chR_chDiagnCount', PACKAGE = 'chR')

#' Resets (zeroes) the value of calls counter
#' @export
chDiagnCountReset <- function() {
    invisible(.Call('_chR_chDiagnCountReset', PACKAGE = 'chR'))

#' Increases the value of calls counter
#' @export
chDiagnCountInc <- function() {
    invisible(.Call('_chR_chDiagnCountInc', PACKAGE = 'chR'))

#' Low Level ch(eck) call
#' @export
chLL <- function(pred, x, asPred, errMessage) {
    .Call('_chR_chLL', PACKAGE = 'chR', pred, x, asPred, errMessage)

#' Returns true iff all the xs are positive
#' @param xs vector to check
#' @return true or false
#' @export
arePosInts <- function(xs) {
    .Call('_chR_arePosInts', PACKAGE = 'chR', xs)

#' Returns true iff all the xs are positive or NAs
#' @param xs vector to check
#' @return true or false
#' @export
arePosIntsOrNAs <- function(xs) {
    .Call('_chR_arePosIntsOrNAs', PACKAGE = 'chR', xs)

#' Returns true iff all the xs are negative
#' @param xs vector to check
#' @return true or false
#' @export
areNegInts <- function(xs) {
    .Call('_chR_areNegInts', PACKAGE = 'chR', xs)

#' Returns true iff all the xs are negative or NAs
#' @param xs vector to check
#' @return true or false
#' @export
areNegIntsOrNAs <- function(xs) {
    .Call('_chR_areNegIntsOrNAs', PACKAGE = 'chR', xs)

#' Returns true iff all the xs are naturals (>= 0)
#' @param xs vector to check
#' @return true or false
#' @export
areNatInts <- function(xs) {
    .Call('_chR_areNatInts', PACKAGE = 'chR', xs)

#' Returns true iff all the xs are naturals (>= 0) or NAs
#' @param xs vector to check
#' @return true or false
#' @export
areNatIntsOrNAs <- function(xs) {
    .Call('_chR_areNatIntsOrNAs', PACKAGE = 'chR', xs)

#' Returns true iff all the xs are positive
#' @param xs vector to check
#' @return true or false
#' @export
arePosDoubles <- function(xs) {
    .Call('_chR_arePosDoubles', PACKAGE = 'chR', xs)

#' Returns true iff all the xs are positive or NAs
#' @param xs vector to check
#' @return true or false
#' @export
arePosDoublesOrNAs <- function(xs) {
    .Call('_chR_arePosDoublesOrNAs', PACKAGE = 'chR', xs)

#' Returns true iff all the xs are negative
#' @param xs vector to check
#' @return true or false
#' @export
areNegDoubles <- function(xs) {
    .Call('_chR_areNegDoubles', PACKAGE = 'chR', xs)

#' Returns true iff all the xs are negative or NAs
#' @param xs vector to check
#' @return true or false
#' @export
areNegDoublesOrNAs <- function(xs) {
    .Call('_chR_areNegDoublesOrNAs', PACKAGE = 'chR', xs)

#' Returns true iff all the xs are non-negative
#' @param xs vector to check
#' @return true or false
#' @export
areNonNegDoubles <- function(xs) {
    .Call('_chR_areNonNegDoubles', PACKAGE = 'chR', xs)

#' Returns true iff all the xs are non-negative or NAs
#' @param xs vector to check
#' @return true or false
#' @export
areNonNegDoublesOrNAs <- function(xs) {
    .Call('_chR_areNonNegDoublesOrNAs', PACKAGE = 'chR', xs)
kongra/chR documentation built on June 10, 2021, 5:35 a.m.