Man pages for kongra/koR
Contains some of my R codes

addClassAdds cls to class(x).
addrAlias for 'pryr::address'
archFMoves the file to a proper archive/ subdir
asNonBlanksExplicitly marks given strings as trimmed and non-blank. User...
assocKvsPuts all key/value mapping pairs into m.
asTrimmedsExplicitly marks given strings as trimmed. User takes...
boolsAndShort-circuit evaluator for Boolean values
brewerThemeCustom pleasant theme from:...
callCaptArgsInvokes f with the last captured arguments.
captArgsCaptures the arguments for calling f. When called without f...
catimela'cat's (logs) time elapsed for expr to evaluate.
chattyDebug wrapper generator. Returns a diagnostic wrapper around...
copyDoublesWorks like System.arraycopy(...) in Java for double vectors.
copyIntsWorks like System.arraycopy(...) in Java for integer vectors.
countWorkdaysComputes number of work days (1-5/Mon-Fri) fot the total...
createListMapCreates a list using the enumerated collection of key/value...
disjPeformance optimized base::setdiff
doCallWorks like '' but optionaly removes all NULL args.
dotEveryReturns a a decorator of f that prints . every n.
emptyHashMapReturns an empty hash map implemented as an environment.
ensureFEnsures that either file argument or its archived version...
epsiEqualReturns TRUE iff |x - y| <= e
getPropAlias for '.subset2'
grapes-equals-e12-grapesReturns TRUE iff |x - y| <= 1e-12.
grapes-equals-e16-grapesReturns TRUE iff |x - y| <= 1e-16.
grapes-equals-e1-grapesReturns TRUE iff |x - y| <= 0.1.
grapes-equals-e2-grapesReturns TRUE iff |x - y| <= 0.01.
grapes-equals-e3-grapesReturns TRUE iff |x - y| <= 0.001.
grapes-equals-e4-grapesReturns TRUE iff |x - y| <= 1e-4.
grapes-equals-e5-grapesReturns TRUE iff |x - y| <= 1e-5.
grapes-equals-e6-grapesReturns TRUE iff |x - y| <= 1e-6.
grapes-equals-e7-grapesReturns TRUE iff |x - y| <= 1e-7.
grapes-equals-e8-grapesReturns TRUE iff |x - y| <= 1e-8.
grapes-equals-e9-grapesReturns TRUE iff |x - y| <= 1e-9.
grapes-equals-NA-grapesWorks like == but for NA == NA returns TRUE and not NA (like...
grapes-NAor-grapesDefaults for a single NA value.
grapes-or-grapesDefaults for NULL value.
hashMapCreates an env using the enumerated collection of key/value...
latexThemeTheme compatible with LaTeX as much as possible.
listDiscardRemoves (discards) elements in list l for which p is TRUE.
listKeepKeeps elements in list l for which p is TRUE.
memoBoolA fast memoizer for values of depending on some logical...
memuseAlias for 'pryr::mem_used'
modesReturns a data.table of mode values, together with their...
mostFrequentReturns a vector xs sorted by the (decreasing) frequency of...
moveDTprops__Diagnostic version of 'moveDTprops'
moveNamesThanks to:...
nonBlanksAsserts non-blankness and returns koR.Trimmed strings as...
ofClassSets class(x) to cls.
osizeAlias for 'pryr::object_size'
partitionSplits xs into partitions of length n, thanks to...
printConditionCondition handler generator. 'printCondition' returns a...
qbenchAlias for 'microbenchmark::microbenchmark'
rgcExecute gc multiple times. 'rgc' Calls gc() n times, 1 when n...
savingPlotSaves a plot using a graphics device and returns the plot.
setDTpropsorder__Diagnostic version of 'setDTpropsorder'
stampStringReturns a timestamp string with the tzone appended.
stopIfNotA faster (trivial) version of stopifnot.
stopIfNot__Alias for 'base::stopifnot'
strInsertAfterIndexInserts what after a non-negative index i in string s....
strInsertBeforeIndexInserts what before positive index i in string s. Vectorized...
strsWorks like 'str(object, ...)' but prints to String rather...
strWrapAllWraps every occurence of the pattern with a prefix and a...
sysSleepingReturns a decorator of f that sleeps time (in seconds) before...
trimmedsTrims given strings (both ends)
userInstalledPackagesGets user installed packages.
withStrTakes a vector of Strings and returns a new vector with a new...
kongra/koR documentation built on May 29, 2019, 3:39 a.m.