Mv: Continuous Jump heights function

View source: R/Mv.R

MvR Documentation

Continuous Jump heights function


This function evaluates the M(v) function that determines the jump heights in the "continuous" part of an increasing additive process.


Mv(u, alpha, beta, gama, low, upp, N)


For internal use.


## The function is currently defined as
function(u = 0.5, alpha = 1, beta = 1, gama = 1 / 2, low = 1e-04,
         upp = 10, N = 5001) {
  x <- -log(seq(from = exp(-low), to = exp(-upp), length = N))
  f <- alpha / gamma(1 - gama) * x^(-(1 + gama)) * exp(-(u +
    beta) * x)
  dx <- diff(x)
  h <- (f[-1] + f[-N]) / 2
  Mv <- rep(0, N)
  for (i in seq(N - 1, 1)) Mv[i] <- Mv[i + 1] + dx[i] * h[i]
  return(list(v = x, Mv = Mv))

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